Example of an input (from keyboard):
Set of vertices: a,b,c
Edges: (a,b), (a,c), (b,a),(b,c)
We are giving the solution using Python:
def EulerCPN():
print("Enter every input separated by comma (,) \n")
print("Ex: \nSet of vertices: a,b,c \nEdges: (a,b),(a,c),(b,a),(b,c) \n")
sov = input("Set of vertices: ") # Get vertices letter from input
Ssov = sov.split(",") # Splitting vertices from input delimited from commas and putting them into array
edg = input("Edges: ")
edg1 = edg.replace(",", "") # Deleting all commas (,) from the input edges
edg2 = edg1.replace("(", "") # Deleting all open parenthesis from the input edges
edg3 = edg2.replace(")", "") # Deleting all closing parenthesis from the input edges
outdeg = [] # Creating empty out-degree list
indeg = [] # Creating empty in-degree list
odCounter = 0 # Declaring out-degree counter equal to 0
idCounter = 0 # Declaring in-degree counter equal to 0
equalDegrees = 0 # Variable to accumulate whenever degrees in and out are equal
notEqualDegrees = 0
EPEequalDegrees = 0 # Variable to accumulate every even vertex
EPOequalDegrees = 0
ECreason = 0 # Variable for the reason of not having an Euler Circuit reason
EPreason = 0 # Variable for the reason of not having an Euler Path reason
eulerPath = False
ep1 = 0
ep2 = 0
eulerCircuit = False
ec = 0
forCounter = 0
for j in Ssov: ## Iterate through each vertex
## See if vertex if equal to out-degree
## Out-degree
for i in range(0, len(edg3), 2):
op, code = edg3[i:i+2] ## Get edges 2 by 2 from the edges list and assigning the first letter to op and the second to code
## op will compare out-degree. code will compare in-degree
if j == op: ## If the current vertex is equal to the first out-degree occurrence ads to the counter
odCounter = odCounter + 1 ## Add an out-degree to a vertex
outdeg.append(odCounter) ## Add the amount of out-degree occurrences for a vertex into outdeg list
odCounter = 0; ## Set odCounter equals to 0
## In-degree
## Repeat all steps from Out-degree into in-degree
for i in range(0, len(edg3), 2):
op, code = edg3[i:i+2]
if j == code:
odCounter = odCounter + 1
odCounter = 0;
for j,o,i in zip(Ssov,outdeg,indeg):
print(str('deg-('),j,str(')= '),o, str(', deg+('),j,str(')= '),i, str('\n')) # Printing the values for every vertex letter and corresponding in and out degrees
## Check for Euler circuit
if (o == i):
equalDegrees = equalDegrees + 1 ## Everytime an out-degree and in-degree vertex are equal add to the counter
notEqualDegrees = notEqualDegrees + 1 ## Everytime an out-degree and in-degree vertex are not equal add to the counter
if (notEqualDegrees == 0): ## If the vertices where never not equal then we have an Euler Circuit
eulerCircuit = True
eulerCircuit = False
ECreason = 2
## Check for Euler Path
if ((o-i) == 1):
ep1 = ep1 + 1
if ((i-o) == 1):
ep2 = ep2 + 1
## Check that every other vertex have in-degree = to out-degree
## When even
if ((forCounter%2) == 0):
if (o == i):
EPEequalDegrees = EPEequalDegrees + 1
if (o == i):
EPOequalDegrees = EPOequalDegrees + 1
forCounter = forCounter +1
## End for
if (EPEequalDegrees >= 1 or EPOequalDegrees >= 1):
if (ep1 == 1 and ep2 == 1):
eulerPath = True
eulerPath = False
EPreason = 1
EPreason = 2
print(str('Euler Circuit: '),eulerCircuit)
print(str('Euler Path: '),eulerPath)
if (eulerCircuit == True):
print("The graph has an Euler Circuit")
if (ECreason == 2):
print("The graph doesn't have an Euler circuit because the In-degree and out-degree of every vertex is not the same")
if (eulerPath == True):
print("The graph has an Euler Path")
if (EPreason == 1):
print("The graph doesn't have an Euler path because neither at most one vertex has (out-degree) − (in-degree) = 1, nor it has at most one vertex has (in-degree) − (out-degree) = 1")
elif(EPreason == 2):
print("The graph doesn't have an Euler path because every other vertex doesn't have in-degree = out-degree")
print("Enter every input separated by comma (,) \n")
print("Ex: \nSet of vertices: a,b,c \nEdges: (a,b),(a,c),(b,a),(b,c) \n")
sov = input("Set of vertices: ") # Get vertices letter from input
Ssov = sov.split(",") # Splitting vertices from input delimited from commas and putting them into array
edg = input("Edges: ")
edg1 = edg.replace(",", "") # Deleting all commas (,) from the input edges
edg2 = edg1.replace("(", "") # Deleting all open parenthesis from the input edges
edg3 = edg2.replace(")", "") # Deleting all closing parenthesis from the input edges
outdeg = [] # Creating empty out-degree list
indeg = [] # Creating empty in-degree list
odCounter = 0 # Declaring out-degree counter equal to 0
idCounter = 0 # Declaring in-degree counter equal to 0
equalDegrees = 0 # Variable to accumulate whenever degrees in and out are equal
notEqualDegrees = 0
EPEequalDegrees = 0 # Variable to accumulate every even vertex
EPOequalDegrees = 0
ECreason = 0 # Variable for the reason of not having an Euler Circuit reason
EPreason = 0 # Variable for the reason of not having an Euler Path reason
eulerPath = False
ep1 = 0
ep2 = 0
eulerCircuit = False
ec = 0
forCounter = 0
for j in Ssov: ## Iterate through each vertex
## See if vertex if equal to out-degree
## Out-degree
for i in range(0, len(edg3), 2):
op, code = edg3[i:i+2] ## Get edges 2 by 2 from the edges list and assigning the first letter to op and the second to code
## op will compare out-degree. code will compare in-degree
if j == op: ## If the current vertex is equal to the first out-degree occurrence ads to the counter
odCounter = odCounter + 1 ## Add an out-degree to a vertex
outdeg.append(odCounter) ## Add the amount of out-degree occurrences for a vertex into outdeg list
odCounter = 0; ## Set odCounter equals to 0
## In-degree
## Repeat all steps from Out-degree into in-degree
for i in range(0, len(edg3), 2):
op, code = edg3[i:i+2]
if j == code:
odCounter = odCounter + 1
odCounter = 0;
for j,o,i in zip(Ssov,outdeg,indeg):
print(str('deg-('),j,str(')= '),o, str(', deg+('),j,str(')= '),i, str('\n')) # Printing the values for every vertex letter and corresponding in and out degrees
## Check for Euler circuit
if (o == i):
equalDegrees = equalDegrees + 1 ## Everytime an out-degree and in-degree vertex are equal add to the counter
notEqualDegrees = notEqualDegrees + 1 ## Everytime an out-degree and in-degree vertex are not equal add to the counter
if (notEqualDegrees == 0): ## If the vertices where never not equal then we have an Euler Circuit
eulerCircuit = True
eulerCircuit = False
ECreason = 2
## Check for Euler Path
if ((o-i) == 1):
ep1 = ep1 + 1
if ((i-o) == 1):
ep2 = ep2 + 1
## Check that every other vertex have in-degree = to out-degree
## When even
if ((forCounter%2) == 0):
if (o == i):
EPEequalDegrees = EPEequalDegrees + 1
if (o == i):
EPOequalDegrees = EPOequalDegrees + 1
forCounter = forCounter +1
## End for
if (EPEequalDegrees >= 1 or EPOequalDegrees >= 1):
if (ep1 == 1 and ep2 == 1):
eulerPath = True
eulerPath = False
EPreason = 1
EPreason = 2
print(str('Euler Circuit: '),eulerCircuit)
print(str('Euler Path: '),eulerPath)
if (eulerCircuit == True):
print("The graph has an Euler Circuit")
if (ECreason == 2):
print("The graph doesn't have an Euler circuit because the In-degree and out-degree of every vertex is not the same")
if (eulerPath == True):
print("The graph has an Euler Path")
if (EPreason == 1):
print("The graph doesn't have an Euler path because neither at most one vertex has (out-degree) − (in-degree) = 1, nor it has at most one vertex has (in-degree) − (out-degree) = 1")
elif(EPreason == 2):
print("The graph doesn't have an Euler path because every other vertex doesn't have in-degree = out-degree")