
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Multiplication table in Visual Basic 6.0

This program works by inserting a number to a TextBox and when press the "Multiply" button the table multiplication of that number from 1 to 12 is going to appear in the ListBox. In order to do that we're going to user 1 TextBox, 1 Listbox and 1 CommandButton, as shown bellow.

To make this program works we have to tape the following code in your CommandButton, this case called Command1:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim n As Integer
n = 0
Do While n < 12
n = n + 1
r = Val(Text1.Text) * n
List1.AddItem (Text1.Text & " x " & n & " = " & r)
Text1.Text = ""

End Sub

Now explain the code above:

List1.Clear: This is going to, each time the code runs, clean the Listbox.

Dim  n as Integer: Here we declare the variable "n" which stores Integer values.

n= 0: Here we give to the variable "n" the value 0. This way we initialize this variable which must have a value to use the Do While.

Do While n < 12: Here we say while the variable "n" be less than 12 run the code between the Do While and the Loop.

n= n+1: This code will make you add 1 to the variable "n". This way the variable "n" that had a value of 0 is going to plus 1 while the value of "n" be less than 12.

r = Val(Text.Text) * n: "r" es the constant where the value of the multiplication will be stored, the order represents the operation. 

List1.AddItem (Text1.Text & " x " & n & " = " & r): This part is where literally we say to the program to add to the Listbox the value of the TextBox, the letter "x", the value of the variable "n", the = sign and the value of the variable "r". What we are doing here is concatenating the variables and the multiplication signs. The & sign is used in VB 6.0 to concatenate.

Loop: In case of failure to comply the condition settled in the Do While it retuns back, when the condition is met then the Do While ends. 

Text1.Text = "": This will, each time we press the Multiply button, the TextBox value gets clean. 

Text1.SetFocus: Return the cursor to the Text1. 

If we insert the number 2 to the Textbox then this will be the result.


  1. i want not like this,,,.. i want in a Tabular form and can be imported to MSExcel App

  2. use full for my project for kids....thank you for simply explanation and add more ecell data to combobox sample
